Open Enrollment for Health Insurance begins on November 15, 2014 and ends 90 days later on February 15, 2015. If you purchase your own health insurance, or you are uninsured or underinsured, it is absolutely critical that you speak with a licensed insurance agent during this window of opportunity.
Here are iCan’s "Top Ten Reasons You Should Not Miss Open Enrollment":
10. Government assistance has made health insurance more affordable than ever! The government provides subsidies that could help you save hundreds each month on health insurance premiums. But if you miss Open Enrollment, you may miss out on your subsidy!
9. Pre-existing conditions are COVERED. Too many Americans were unable to get the health insurance they so badly needed due to pre-existing health conditions. Under healthcare reform, those days are gone! Insurance companies cannot refuse to cover you due to a past or current health condition . . . and they can’t terminate your policy if you get sick.
8. It’s the law. Federal law requires that all Americans must have health insurance that provides coverage for everything from hospitalization to prescription drugs. If you don’t have the right kind of coverage, you may have to pay the “individual mandate” tax to the IRS!
7. This is the ONLY time you can buy comprehensive health insurance. If you miss Open Enrollment, you may not be able to purchase the health insurance coverage you need – and the coverage the government requires you to have – during 2015.
6. No annual or lifetime limits. Even a minor accident or a short stay in the hospital can result in thousands of dollars in medical bills. Under healthcare reform, insurance companies are prohibited from imposing annual or lifetime limits on comprehensive health insurance.
5. Benefits, benefits, benefits! Healthcare reform required insurance companies to cover ten essential health benefits: hospitalization, doctor’s visits, emergency care, mental health services, prescription drugs, rehabilitative therapy, lab tests, pediatric services, and preventive services including vaccinations and chronic disease management.
4. Women’s wellness: All new plans must cover preventive services for women without a copay, including breast and cervical cancer screening , contraception and well-woman visits.
3. Changing plans may save you BIG money: This year more and more insurance companies are competing for YOUR business. You may like your current plan, but perhaps there is a NEW plan available that provides better coverage at a lower cost. If you don’t research your new options, you may end up paying more than you have to!
2. Physician networks are improving: Last year, many people were upset over “skinny networks.” That means insurance companies limited which doctors and hospitals they would cover. This year is different – insurance companies listened, and broadened their networks to meet the needs of their customers. Is YOUR doctor or local hospital covered under your current plan?
1. Everyone’s doing it! Last year, MILLIONS of Americans finally got the health insurance they needed. The number of uninsured Americans dropped dramatically, as people discovered subsidies have finally made health insurance affordable for EVERYONE.
So, don’t miss out on Open Enrollment. And here’s one last tip: Insurance agents are more important than ever! Health insurance can be very confusing. Do you REALLY know what terms like co-insurance, co-pay and deductible mean? Do you know how your out-of-pocket medical costs can be easily controlled using a “gap” policy? Trying to purchase insurance online through a government website can be time-consuming and frustrating. Trust a licensed insurance agent and the process will be much, much easier.
To talk with a licensed agent TODAY, click on the “Open Enrollment” button below to check out iCan’s new website,!