Even with the new insurance marketplace promised by the Affordable Care Act, finding good health insurance plans is still high on the to-do list of many Americans. The new health care laws only stipulate provisions for essential minimum coverage, which may not be sufficient for all individuals. Furthermore, the Act's personal responsibility rules state that you may have to pick and enroll in a plan on your own. It's important to make a choice that actually takes care of your needs without costing too much. Here are the top four ways to do so using iCan:
1. Research Your Financial First
Get ready by investigating fiscal factors like your basic household income and your budget. Different income levels may qualify for price reductions, and of course, you'll want to be aware of how much you can afford on a monthly basis.
Also, learn about any organizational affiliations or professional credentials that your family members hold. These may make your family eligible for discounted plans with certain providers. Remember that setting a firm budget before you start makes it much easier to choose from similar plans and additional options.
2. Take a Look at Your Health History
although it's impossible to anticipate all of the health problems you'll experience with 100 percent accuracy, you can definitely benefit from looking at your old family medical records. If you know you're at high risk for certain conditions, for example diabetes you can look in to health insurance for diabetics. You can then select a coverage plan that is more likely to provide the types of treatment you might need in the future and avoid high, repetitive deductibles.
3. Good Medical Insurance Takes Care of All the Details
Don't simply sign up for a new plan just because it seems cheap. Find out about the little details beforehand. For instance, ask whether you can keep your current provider or doctor, learn whether you'll need extra coverage for when you travel, and see what your new plan says about emergency care. These issues are easy to overlook, but they can be very expensive if you don't think about them in advance.
4. Shop Around for Good Health Insurance Plans
Take advantage of tools like iCan to learn about multiple coverage policies that meet your needs. Check out multiple insurers, and compare the seemingly similar options offered by both. There are a lot of details that you don't want to miss out on in the fine print, and these may make all the difference in how well your new policy works for your health and your budget.