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If you overindulged in Figgie pudding this Christmas, or popped too many bottles of champs on the 31st, you're probably one of the millions of Americans who will be ringing in the New Year with a resolution or two under your belt, including perhaps one to lose weight. If this sounds like you, take solace in the following:

  • You are NOT alone
  • You CAN start with a clean slate
  • You CAN make some relatively small changes from January onwards that can yield big results

Aside from following the 3 achievable tips we listed below, be sure to incorporate exercise into your daily or weekly routine. Aim to work out 3x per week for 60 minutes, or better yet, walk briskly for at least 20 minutes per day. If the weather outside is inclement, march in place, pop in a Zumba DVD or use your staircase as a home gym. Exercise after all, plays a crucial role in any health and/or weight loss regime and will only help speed up the process to achieve both.


It seems simple enough, but most of us still do not get the recommended daily allowance of 64 oz. of water that does our body good. And, because our minds frequently confuse thirst for hunger, many of us fall into the fateful trap of snacking – instead of drinking – when ultimately cold H20 is what our bodies are craving.

Experts recommend: If you can't stand drinking just plain old water, try adding a slice of lemon or lime to boost the flavor but not the calories. Another option: brew and infuse your own tea.


Adding spices to your food can assist you in feeling sated quicker, while adding a kick of flavor to your meals. Some seasonings like cayenne, chili powder, and black pepper are even believed to be metabolism stimulators as well, which can assist with revving up your weight loss in the New Year.

Experts recommend: Instead of reaching for the salt; reach for the garlic, cumin or red pepper flakes instead. Lower in sodium and often more flavorful in taste, spices like these can turn an otherwise dull dish into a delicious delicacy. Craving something sweet? Cinnamon flavored candy (the hotter the better), can provide a surge of sweetness with minimal fat or caloric consequences.


Studies show that when we remove a favorite item from our menus, just for the sake of dieting, we often sabotage our efforts "to be good," as our cravings for them can actually multiply and lead to binge eating. Whether it's a daily piece of German Chocolate Cake or an XXL morning cappuccino with whipped cream that you can't live without, going cold turkey can often be both physically and psychologically contrary.

Experts recommend: Enjoy your favorite foods but do so in moderation by replacing buying i.e. a whole cake with one muffin, cupcake or cookie instead. The point being, you can still enjoy the taste, while reducing the caloric intake. Can't give up that morning cappuccino? Try a large black coffee with a splash of half-and-half cream and then add cinnamon and a low-calorie or no-calorie sweetener instead. Overall, while flavor is crucial - portion sizes are absolutely pertinent to maintaining healthier goals.

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